kalyway not mounting/formatting as hsf+

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by cv65user, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. cv65user


    Nov 18, 2008
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    how do i get leapord osx not to over write mbr?????

    i currently got
    20gb xp pro
    5gb open suse
    20gb reserved for osx
    rest data partition
    using grub as boot loader

    how do i install kalyway without it over writing my grub boot loader ?!?!?!
    i am confused , unless after installing osx i got to boot into win98 start up disk and use fdisk to set xp as my acgtive parition again ? then use chain file loader to add option for osx . but then how would i get linux back ?!?!

    i attempted to install leapord but then it lets me format partion as hsf xtnd but then it says done but then it shows it as a dos formated partition and unable to mount it - so i didnt know so i proceeded as normal but when asked to select partition to install osx to it wont show the third partition other then the xp partition so i cannot instal xp

    is it because i have too mayn partitions or its not using guid to format the partition as per google reaearch ? if so , whats guid partition
    cv65user, Dec 18, 2008
  2. cv65user


    Dec 18, 2008
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    to get linux back you just need to reinstall grub afterwards, you can probably use the grub-install or update grub commands for this

    if the partitions are all logical you shouldn't have any problems
    twright, Dec 18, 2008
  3. cv65user


    Nov 18, 2008
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    thx for reply . my layout is this

    160gb =
    primary 20gb xp pro
    logical 5gb
    logical 4 gb linux
    logical 1gb linux swap

    blank 20gb reserved for osx
    primary ( it would only let me make primary partition) rest is a ntfs data partition

    using grub as boot loader
    cv65user, Dec 19, 2008
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