Kubuntu 11.1.0 on AO722

Discussion in 'Linux' started by WinDroid, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. WinDroid


    Feb 1, 2012
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    I can tell you it was easy sailing installing Kubuntu , it really has a much faster response time than win 7 , plus the GUI actually looks better , I dont care much for toys like webcam or skype or you (useless) tube but I will test all of these anyways ,

    One thing that should be done is to upgrade your bios , I just bought this AO the other day and it had rev 1.05 on it , I found this version 1.07 which is also an unlocker (forgot where I got it from) ,but it unlocks the advanced and power menus in the bios , a big + , when I tried installing deb it always gave me a "firmware"missing "need third party firmaware to run" notification , I didnt get this with Kubuntu 11 , this looks really nice , windows 7 is great if you have the resources ,but this lil bugger doesnt so why waste it?/
    WinDroid, Feb 8, 2012
  2. WinDroid


    Feb 1, 2012
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    Ok , Konquerer browser is ok , but Chrome works great and youtube works great as well, had a llittle trouble with youtube with the other browser but not now/, Im digging this version of linux , making things really easy , I remember my first distro back in 1990 slackware 1.0 , it was fun learning but difficult !
    WinDroid, Feb 8, 2012
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