[b]Re: Kuki[/b] Wow. That's one sexy bootchart you got there, leak. Great work man ;)
Re: Kuki That's fast! How's hardware support? Does it have right SD, internal mic and hibernate? Does it have the flash/YouTube problems some people have reported with the SickBoy kernel? I'm impressed you can get any progress with that work schedule. Good work.
Re: Kuki To get back on the GUI discussion.... I really really really really like the Ubuntu netbook layout with the startmenu desktop thing and the really tiny taskbar thing in the top of the screen. That's just PERFECT. Hope you take that or soemthing similar as an example... For the rest, take care, you're doing great work, I'm really looking forward to the "final" version but I understand your own life goes one too
Re: Kuki I'm pretty sure that Kuki can use synaptic and/or apt-get, which means that you could install the UNR packages onto Kuki even if they're not included. I agree that the UNR components (UME launcher, maximizer, go-home-applet, window picker applet) are fantastic. I've even installed them on my home computer. It's helpful for any screen where visible real estate is scarce, any computer that's operating as an appliance, and I think any task where you're not doing lots of interaction (cutting and pasting, palettes, etc. ) between windows.
Re: Kuki -Is 5 second boot time? or 9 maybe?, i'm a linux newbie and I don't well understand the picture. -how to involve in Kuki development?, if there is any chance, I want to involve in making the icon set
Re: Kuki add me on msn or visit us on our irc channel on freenode. i will give you my msn in pm or irc.
Re: Kuki As I understand Kuki will be using XFCE by default. AFAIK the UNR packages do not work out of the box with XFCE.
Re: Kuki Absolutely! But be sure you don't use the ubuntu-desktop meta-package, otherwise you can just as well use any ubuntu version and just replace the kernel.
Initial post updated to inform that Kuki 3 rc-1 has been released. More info: http://kuki.me/#news http://kuki.me/forum/
Kuki 3 is great. I installed it a few days ago and just about everything works well. The volume buttons don't work, but bluetooth works much easier than it did in Linpus. Making desktop icons is a little bit of a chore (you have to copy the file from /usr/share/applications and then paste them to the desktop) and I haven't figured out how to change the desktop wallpaper (but it looks pretty good). The greatest thing about Kuki is that it loads webpapges much faster and doesn't lag about it. So you can smoothly scroll pages. Everyone should make the switch.
I have tried to run kuki 3.0 rc1 from usb, alas I could not login. When I try to login as kuki with p/w kuki all I get is a beep noise.
kuki/kuki were the l/p for the Alpha 2 release. If you're running as LiveCD, I believe it is root/blank for login and password. If you install, then you set the login parameters during the installation process.
I am extremely pleased with KUKI 3 RC1. It uses LXDE, which is very fast. Boot time is about 15 seconds with SickyBoy's kernel, which is more than satisfying. Also i get good graphics performance in glxgears (690 FPS), so i am able to do some gaming. As for battery life, it is a bit shorter than on Linpus, but not enough to bother me(10 minutes). There are a couple of rough edges here and there, but overall i think this is a very promising release, and i think Kuki 3 will be amazing when it gets finally released.
Very fast and nice, but I dont like Wicd, it didnĀ“t connect to ad-hoc (Joiku) networks no matter what I tried. I replaced it with gnome network manager and now everything works smoothly.