Language and Keyboard settings

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Nick, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Nick


    Sep 9, 2008
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    after each start I am asked to select the device language and the keyboard setting even though I have defined that during start-up and also by choosing settings from the desktop. Can anyone tell me how I can stop the system from asking me to set the language at each start-up?
    Nick, Sep 12, 2008
  2. Nick


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Each time I start my Linux AA1 the system asks me to choose the language and keyoboard settings. I do this choice but the system will still ask me each time to define it again. I have also clicked settings from the desktop and defined the language and keyboard settings from there, but still the AA1 asks me at each start up to define again.
    I have noticed that the system remembers the settings I have chosen previously and will not change them whatever my choice at each startup of the system.
    I am a beginner with Linux and have no idea what to check or what to do. Please help me somebody!
    Nick, Sep 18, 2008
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