laptop problems

Discussion in 'Chrome OS' started by russie, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. russie


    Nov 9, 2023
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    I bought a laptop but my browser and my laptop screen keeps on blacking out and the people who sold me on Lenovo Concept Store Festival Mall & PC Express didn't fix the problem. Is it the laptop or an OS problem? Coz Im not getting a good resolution from their CS people
    russie, Nov 9, 2023
  2. russie


    Nov 9, 2023
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    My laptop has been reformatted by the store I bought it but I still experience the blackout browser and screen. They don’t seem to want to replace it with a new laptop. Idk whats the problem and how to fix it i thought it can be fix with reformat so what to do now if thats the case is it as good as trash?
    russie, Dec 19, 2023
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