Linpus customization

Discussion in 'Linux' started by ruckus, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. ruckus


    Jul 24, 2008
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    I know you can enter advanced settings with linpus. But I was wondering what kind of customizations are available to the user from there. Can a user change the window decorations/colors etc? I'm not sure I like the windows/fisher-price window decorations i keep seeing in videos. I assume the people putting the distro together wanted it to look as much like windows as possible. However, I think for a lot of us, we don't want it to look like windows at all.

    Thanks for any info anyone can provide. Can't wait to pick one of these up!
    ruckus, Jul 30, 2008
  2. ruckus


    Jul 23, 2008
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    Yes, you can change the desktop themes, colours, fonts and all the regular stuff from the xfce settings.

    I know I got rid of the winblows-theme as soon as I did the advanced desktop hack, and also made some other tweaks to make the system suit my needs better. Now I'm starting to feel like at home with the Linpus.
    janss, Jul 31, 2008
  3. ruckus


    Jul 24, 2008
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    Thanks for the response. Any chance you could post an screenshot of your setup? I really would like to get my hands on an A1 to play with it. I might as well just order one soon...
    ruckus, Aug 1, 2008
  4. ruckus


    Jul 19, 2008
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    Like Janss, I didn't particularly like the many colors and gaudy XP-style theme, so i changed those myself too. For the windows I went easy on myself and just substituted the right upper window background for that of Blue (to match the Connect window on the left), and used the grey Settings background for both lower windows; changed the group.xml file to achieve this.
    Now the blue/grey theme looks a bit nicer and consistent. Just haven't figured out how to change the arrow button colors yet. Then I went to the Xfce settings and changed the theme to something tighter and less xp-like (Adept is its name, I think).

    Works ok so far, but it'd have been nicer if Acer made such simple customizations a bit easier for us users. One should at least be able to change the colours, imho.. but then, it's a budget netbook and they probably had little time to market, can't expect them to cater to everyone's fussy details.

    Regards, R
    Raido, Aug 1, 2008
  5. ruckus


    Aug 1, 2008
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    It's basically a customised XFCE desktop and Linpus is based on Fedora 8, so you can do most stuff you can in XFCE and you also have a large selection of packages you can install from the Fedora repositories. The only thing I can't seem to do is modify the panel at the bottom of the screen, at least not in the conventional way you can in a normal XFCE installation, I might have to resort to editing the text file for it if I can't figure out a better way. I have managed to make all the other changes I've wanted to so far, though, but I have only had my Aspire One for a day and a half so far.
    retsaw, Aug 2, 2008
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