Linpus Failure

Discussion in 'Linux' started by chrismapleton, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. chrismapleton


    Feb 12, 2011
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    Hello - I have an Acer ZG5 One with Linpus . Having used it for a couple of years with no problems it suddenly failed to connect to the net, and next switch on it failed to boot -- with just a flash of the 2 screens, and than a black screen with a static arrow cursor in the centre. Having looked at the postings on this site, I attempted to flash the BIOS with the downloaded 3309 (and the set up screen indicated that 3309 was being used) but the same black screen followed on attempted boot. This was immaterial of for how long the machine was left on. I tried this several times.

    I then downloaded Ubuntu Netbook on to a USB stick + the advised inerface to try and install another Linux system - but the message comes up "no bootable partition in table".

    Please help!

    1. Can I install Ubuntu Netbook just as it is or do I need to get rid of Lnpus first? If so how?
    2. Can I resolve the message I now get in some way? and what does it actually mean (I was not aware that there was a partition)?
    3. Any other help to get the thing up and running would be gratefully received. It is used infrequently for checking email messages and surfing the net when away from home.

    Many thanks
    Chris Mapleton
    chrismapleton, Feb 12, 2011
  2. chrismapleton


    Sep 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    1. Can you get into the F2 setup?
    2. When you tried to boot off the USB stick did you use F12 to select the USB stick for booting?
    3. If you want to replace Linpus then you do not need to remove Linpus. All you need to do is use the whole drive for your installation and it should format the drive and install.
    donec, Feb 13, 2011
  3. chrismapleton


    Feb 12, 2011
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    Thanks for the reply donec. Yes, I can get into F2 and have used F12 to boot -- but still get "No bootable partition in table". Any other thoughts?
    chrismapleton, Feb 14, 2011
  4. chrismapleton


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    No bootable partition may mean your partition table got a little bit corrupted. If it's truly only a little bit, that fix is easy
    1. boot from a USB flash drive
    2. open a terminal window
    3. as root: fdisk /dev/sda to run fdisk
    4. p to print the partition table
    At this point, one of the partitions should have an asterisk in the Boot column - this is the bootable partition. If you don't have a bootable partition, or have marked a partition as bootable that really isn't then
    5. a and select the proper bootable partition (probably 1)
    RockDoctor, Feb 14, 2011
  5. chrismapleton


    Feb 12, 2011
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    Hello again -- the machine will not boot from a USB - I just get a message saying "No bootable partition in table". All I can then do is switch off -- and on switching on again all I can do is press F2 which allows me to choose the various screens -- but I cannot get further than there. I do get a flash of the two usual screens - one black and one the Acer blue screen -- but then I end up with the fixed cursor arrow in the middle of a black screen. Is it terminal?

    Thanks for your responses.

    chrismapleton, Feb 20, 2011
  6. chrismapleton


    Sep 11, 2008
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    Chris, do you know for sure that the USB device is properly setup to boot? If so how do you know?

    I mean have you tried to get it to boot from another computer?

    If the USB device is not setup properly then it will show up but give the error you are getting.
    donec, Feb 21, 2011
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