Linpus Lite Instalation: Who succeeded?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by arhan, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. arhan


    Jul 3, 2009
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    Linpus Lite Installation with USB stick: Who succeeded?

    The same old problem. I've tried all things. Someone succeeded or not?
    arhan, Jul 3, 2009
  2. arhan


    Jun 2, 2009
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    Yes. Do not use unetbootin to create the USB install drive from the Acer Linpus Recovery DVD - It won't work correctly.

    If you do not have an external USB DVD-rom drive, and do not have another PC with a built in DVD-rom drive, you are up sh*t creek without a paddle. Buy or borrow an external USB DVD-rom drive, or visit someone who have a PC with a DVD-rom drive.

    Boot up the Acer Linpus Recovery cd, insert an 2 GB USB memory stick in the PC, then select "Make an USB Recovery device" from the Linpus Recovery CD menu. Use that 2 GB USB memory stick to install your Linpus Lite, and it will work every time.

    If you mean that you want the Linpus Lite installation to run from the USB memory Stick, instead of being installed on the SSD, then you need to first install it on the SSD, then move everything to the USB key, edit the device listings in the various conf files (mainly fstab, and the grub bootloader), so they point towards the correct device, then make the stick bootable with extlinux, and update the bootloader on the stick. Its not for the fainthearted.
    DutchDK, Jul 4, 2009
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