Linpus Lite Install DVD just hangs!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by grouchy, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. grouchy


    Feb 20, 2009
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    HI guys,

    I've done some searching and discovered others HAVE experienced this problem, but can't seem to find any additional info on how to fix it.

    I bought a new AAO (512Gb/8Gb/1.6Ghz) netbook two days ago and have been unable to use it. It is a new machine, but some previous purchaser must have had use of it and taken it back to the store for whatever reason, as there were some personal files and photos on it. Due to this, I decided to re-install the OS from scratch using the DVD provided by Acer. However, it doesn't work. Quite quickly into the process, I get a start screen up with the ACER logo and a process indicator showing about half a milimeter of progress, then the whole thing just locks up, leaving the caps-lock light flashing. I've tried the other option (create a USB stick) and exactly the same thing happens. So I thought the original DVD was faulty. So I obtained another image over the internet, burn another disk and guess what? - Exactly the same problem still!! :roll:

    What's going on here and how can I get Linpus Lite re-installed? The computer will not now boot from its 8Gb internal flash drive.
    grouchy, Feb 20, 2009
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