Linpus Secrets

Discussion in 'Linux' started by jinx022, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. jinx022


    Oct 2, 2008
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    There are many handy tricks in Linpus so here's a starting list but I'm sure there are many more.

    Note that I have disabled SCIM by unchecking "Use Input Method" under the advanced menu item "Input Method."

    1. PrtSc key captures the screen in a .png file.
    2. Ctl+Alt+Del keys open the system monitor window.
    3. Fn+F7 keys toogles the touchpad on and off.
    4. Fn+F6 keys toogles the backlight on and off.
    5. Click on the left arrowhead to roll up / roll out the bottom tray. Gives move room on screen.
    6. Alt+mouse drag will allow dragging a window partially off screen. To see the bottom of oversize windows.
    7. F11 in Firefox maximizes/normalizes the window.
    8. Use "view as advanced mode" in file manager to see more than the home directory.
    9. In a terminal, "sudo thunar" opens the file manager as root and that will, in turn, use root mousepad to edit text like files.
    10. USB drive safe removal - Open file manager and right click on the drive in the left panel and select "unmount" or double click on the green arrowhead.
    jinx022, Dec 13, 2008
  2. jinx022


    Oct 6, 2008
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    Re 7: Alt+F11 gives you fullscreen in any application. Use the Fuller Fullscreen extension for firefox to make the F11 version lose menu, tool, status and tab bars, and you have 2 options depending on what you are doing.
    markh, Dec 13, 2008
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