Linpus Video Error!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by wollac, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. wollac


    Jan 4, 2009
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    Hi, i have a problem with video's! I get the sound but no picture! A had this problem then it went and now it has come bK! i can play wmv but all others hav no picture! I have even done a restore with the recovery cd and it is still happening!!! It maybe coz the first vid i tried to play since doesn't play without installing vlc and the attempt mucked it up agian! but none of thev vid's hav pictutre excpet wmv! even liveview on the webcam software will not display! Just a gray area where it shud be! It will still capture though. Can anyone help me to fix this please!!!!!!!!! :D

    also i thought i would point out that the vids work when i boot up in puppy linux on my netbook it's just in linpus i have this problem!
    And also thinking about it both times it happend after playing flv files and that was the first one i tested after the recovory!

    wollac, Jun 18, 2009
  2. wollac


    Jan 4, 2009
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    if it helps it is window manager specific coz it don't happen in compiz or openbox (but neither of those work well as a day 2 day window manager on the aao) plz help fix my problem or gimme another windows manager that works well with linpus and can be skiined and will start fast!
    wollac, Sep 2, 2009
  3. wollac


    Jun 27, 2009
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    Took me a few attempts to get VLC working properly on my AAO (un-install, restore, re-install). SMPlayer (I think) was a pretty good alternative IIRC.
    HappyH, Sep 2, 2009
  4. wollac


    Jan 4, 2009
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    it's not just vlc it's verthing including: media master and the webcam viewer! but it'snot that it is specific 2 the windows mager i hav found out it just works when u switch the window manger after boot. fo example it boots up with xfwm4 and u switch it 2 something else it will then fix the video and it will work then even if u switch bk 2 xfwm4 until restart and then it will not work again! (after restart)
    wollac, Sep 11, 2009
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