Linpus + VirtualDisk + TinyXP + Mapsource

Discussion in 'Linux' started by aspire1usr, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. aspire1usr


    Dec 13, 2008
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    Hello all. This is my first post. I've had the AAO since August.

    AOA110, Linpus, 1.5 GB ram, 8 GB ssd, swap space minimized, 16 GB in expansion slot

    I wanted to avoid using windows on the AAO but in this case it's unavoidable. We use Garmin gps receivers and only Mapsource fully supports all the features we need when on the road.

    Wine runs it but I've been unable to get it to load Garmin maps. It always gets stuck with a message saying something like 'insert disk 1 and press to continue' when the disk is already in the drive. I may have found a workaround but in the meantime I've been trying VirtualDisk using Macles' excellent instructions. (

    VirtualDisk installed quickly and easily. I created a 10 GB dynamically expanding virtual disk on my 16 GB SD card. Then I installed TinyXP and MapSource and a mapset covering North America. At this point Thunar reports that the virtual drive file has expanded to 4 GB and that the SD card has 7.7 GB free. There are 4 GB free on sda1. So far everything runs correctly and impressively fast.

    The problem: VERR_DISK_FULL
    The problem occurs when I try to add a second mapset of about 1.3 GB. After loading about a quarter of the maps VirtualDisk reports that the host file system doesn't support such large files and then suspends operation.

    At this point I'm stuck. Why should it report the disk is full when Ext2 supports 16 GB files and there is sufficient disk space on both drives. What am I missing?

    I'm posting to this group first because I have a feeling it might be more of a Linpus problem than a VirtualDisk problem. Just a guess.

    Thanks in advance
    aspire1usr, Dec 13, 2008
  2. aspire1usr


    Sep 12, 2008
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    what format is the tinyxp install using, if its fat32 that may be why (fat32 supports tops of 2gb files)
    dj_steve, Dec 15, 2008
  3. aspire1usr


    Dec 13, 2008
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    --Solved-- Re: Linpus + VirtualDisk + TinyXP + Mapsource

    TinyXP is installed in a fat32 virtual machine.

    But that wasn't the problem. The virtual machine is in turn installed on an SD card and that is formatted with fat32. That was the problem. Once the image file hit 4 GB the fat32 limit is reached. VirtualBox doesn't worry about such details initially and assumes the user knows what he's doing, which rarely happens when I'm around.

    Since the SD card needs to be readable on both the AAO and my windows computer I'm stuck with fat32 and therefore a maximum virtual disk size of 4 GB.

    The workaround was easy. I've moved all the Garmin maps to a shared folder outside the virtual disk that is accessible by TinyXP, and also wine . I'll eventually have to decide between the two. I'm hoping the winner will be wine.

    aspire1usr, Dec 15, 2008
  4. aspire1usr


    Sep 12, 2008
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    get ntfs-3g on linpus then you can format the card ntfs and get upto 64tb file sizes
    dj_steve, Dec 15, 2008
  5. aspire1usr


    Dec 13, 2008
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    Thanks for this. I'll have to pursue ntfs a little further.

    I do have a package called 2:ntfs-3g-1.1030 already installed. Is it part of the basic Linpus?
    When I once tried to use a ntfs formatted SD a message popped up that said something about allowing reading but not writing and then disappeared before I could finish it. I'll give it another go.

    aspire1usr, Dec 15, 2008
  6. aspire1usr


    Sep 12, 2008
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    yo may have to google ntfs-3g and download and compile newest version for it to work fully, i no my linpus happily plays with my 4tb ntfs formatted nas array
    dj_steve, Dec 16, 2008
  7. aspire1usr


    Dec 13, 2008
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    This also works:

    'sudo yum update ntfs-3g' since it was already installed in my machine
    'sudo yum install ntfs-config'
    'sudo ntfs-config' and when the gui appears check the box "enable write support for external device"
    Works like a charm.

    Thanks to all who replied.
    Merry Christmas to all
    aspire1usr, Dec 17, 2008
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