I was just looking around the comet website, i was looking at 2 same versions of the aspire one but 1 with lninux and the other with xp and the xp shared graphics states that it has 'Intel 945GSE8 MB' while the linux version has nothing please can some1 confirm if the linux version of the aspire one has shared graphics same as the xp one(Intel 945GSE8 MB) here check for yourselves linux: [url="http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/product/484245/ACER-AOA150-AB"]http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/produc ... -AOA150-AB[/url] xp: [url="http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/product/484318/ACER-AOA150-BB"]http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/produc ... -AOA150-BB[/url] Also if the linux os doent have the shared graphics, if i upgraded it from linux to xp would i get the gma945 shared graphics thnx