Linux4One/Ubuntu - shell problem

Discussion in 'Linux' started by masonnj, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. masonnj


    Jan 8, 2009
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    I write this in the hope of saving someone a bit of time. :)

    I needed to write a shell script to do some stuff, nothing very complicated just a bit of automation.

    When I'd done the damned thing wouldn't run, I was getting a basic syntax error on line 1 of the script. There was nothing wrong with line 1, or any of the script that I could see but it just wouldn't run. In desperation I wrote a three line "Hello world" script to prove my sanity and that wouldn't run either!

    Having been a Unix user 20 odd years ago I'm used to running shell scripts by typing sh

    After a lot of digging around I discovered that if I typed bash it worked fine! My problem was with a symbolic link in the /bin directory on the sh entry. Instead of the sym link pointing to /bin/bash it was pointing to /bin/dash :!:

    Replacing the sym link with the correct one fixed my problem. A bit of searching seems to indicate that this is a know Ubuntu/Linux4One issue.

    I have no idea if this will be useful to anyone else but hey ho.

    masonnj, Feb 15, 2009
  2. masonnj


    Aug 28, 2008
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    Japser, Feb 15, 2009
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