Live Update Question

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Archer, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Archer


    Aug 1, 2008
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    Live updates?

    I have had my aspire now since then end of june. The only mods I have made are adding fspot and fbreader. I have shied away from doing the live updates since I have seen the issues people have had since they updated their system. Has Acer fixed the issue with the live updates, especially the wireless?

    Any feed back would be appeiciated
    Archer, Oct 19, 2008
  2. Archer


    Aug 29, 2008
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    Hong Kong
    what issues are you referring to? may be the have mod their system(editing files), i think that is the main problem(acer don't and won't expect you to so so), the only mod i did is to enable the so called advance menu, and install several software such as Skype(by acer), real player, picasa, dosbox, fwbackups. since i bought the machine, i have installed all updates, and til now, i got no problem! As you have never mod the systems files, i don't think you will be suffering from any issues. If you are afraid, you should install fwbackup(search in How to Guide, you will find detail instructions), start a backup each time you need to do live updates, if any things goes wrong, you can restore they system, than restore you backups.
    steven.chien, Oct 21, 2008
  3. Archer


    Nov 11, 2008
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    About a month ago there was an intrusion into Fedora servers, and while the signing key for all packages was not compromised Fedora still decided to resign all packages with a new key as a security measure. A few days ago repositories with the new key have gone live. That leads to quite a few unresolved dependency problems if you're still using the default repositories on Acer Aspire One Linux, which are not updated anymore. To switch to the new repositories just use the command below which will enable updates-newkey and automatically get all new packages from there. - macles website

    sudo yum install fedora-release

    in terminal window (advance mode)

    all the updates should be fine.
    ClassicS40, Jun 9, 2009
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