Losing keyboard

Discussion in 'Linux' started by sbaute, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. sbaute


    Aug 30, 2008
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    Recently, some time after boot-up, I've been "losing" the keyboard; i.e. - key entry is non-functional. Meaning I press keys, but nothing happens. Still have mouse and touchpad functionality, and keyboard functionality always returns after a reboot. I've installed software recently (primarily GIMP and some WINE-based windows programs), and thought perhaps they might be the problem. But I've saved several back-ups, predating the various installations, and I still seem to have the problem, regardless of which back-up I use (and thank goodness for the Macles back-up system....love it!). Also have a problem with an 8 gig HDSD card (in the secondary card slot) going "bad" halfway through a session (automatically unmounts, with suitable error warning) which I thought might be associated with the keyboard problem, but that seems to be hardware related (SD card gets warm, then fails?), while the keyboard issue seems solely a software thing.

    Using Linpus, 512 M, 8 Gig primary, 16 Gig SD expansion memory

    Any help and.or suggestions?
    sbaute, Aug 10, 2009
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