Loving this notebook

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Guest, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    So I just picked up the new 160gb 6cell Onyx Black model and I'm loving it. Origonally wanted the Lenovo S10 but you cant get wrong with a 6cell atom notebook for this price. The purpose for getting one was for webcam chats and and school. The long battery life is definitely a big plus for me. Before I had the Asus 701 which I gave to my girlfriend because she is away and thus we can video call eachother. The asus was great, but I'm already easily seeing the advantages of the Atom processor. I don't plan to play games, but for my normal use this thing is quick! I was worried the 6cell battery would be ugly and sticking out too much, but honestly it looks natural and sleek. I am amazed by the battery life. Picked up this notebook right before work. So far it's been running 3 hours straight and I've been uninstalling the junk and installing everything I want with wifi enabled. It still predicts 4 hours of battery life. I doubt that's right but give or take an hour and that's still a lot! The the mouspad is feeling nice even though I have big fingers, just change the settings to scroll faster. The design is amazing, very well built. I guess if I had to complain about something, it would only be glossy finish on the top and inner LCD lid. Yeah it's a finger print magnet, really hate that. Still it's nothing to complain about considering this awesome notebook only cost me $400 CDN...wow.

    Great notebook!!!
    Guest, Oct 10, 2008
  2. Guest


    Aug 23, 2008
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    Glad to hear, if you want the US keyboard go to www.sourceits.com and order it there. I have ordered 2 of them to replace the bilingual keyboard that they came with. No need to dismantle the whole device, just the 3 clips holding the keyboard on, then slowly lifting it and unclipping the cable. Word of advice, do not push the clips in far, as they do not pop out and you will need to really start taking the thing apart to get the clips back out, and the clip on the left (by the F2 key) cannot be popped out again as you can't access it from underneath unlike the other 2. I would recommend starting on the right side and trying to lift the keyboard as you are pushing the clips in to minimize the travel of the clips.
    goofball, Oct 11, 2008
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