Lucid and suspend

Discussion in 'Linux' started by lotus49, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. lotus49


    Jun 29, 2008
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    I have been running Ubuntu ever since I bought my ZG5 and by and large it has worked fine. However, a very annoying problem has surfaced in that I can no longer suspend or hibernate.

    My machine is fully up-to-date. This problem appeared about 2-3 weeks ago. When I attempt to suspend, it looks like it is working but at after the screen has gone black and just before the point at which the fans turn off, it hangs. The screen is blank (but on) and the power button light is on. The only way to turn it off is to press and hold the power button.

    Has anyone else encountered this? Were you able to fix it and if so how?

    PS I have a SuperTalent 32GB SSD. This may or may not be relevant as there has been an apparently unrelated (but as yet unfixed) bug relating to these.
    lotus49, Aug 6, 2010
  2. lotus49


    Jun 29, 2008
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    I have struggled with this for weeks but I finally found out what the problem was.

    I noticed that I could suspend before I logged in. It then occurred to me that this is before the SDHC card that I had been using had been mounted. I took the SDHC card out and hey presto, it works. Ubuntu has never been all that good at handling the SDHC cards in either slot.

    It's a shame that, after two years, my AAO is still not properly supported by Ubuntu.
    lotus49, Aug 16, 2010
  3. lotus49


    Sep 23, 2008
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    You just need a script to unmount the sd card when you go to suspend:

    All you need to do is create a little script in /etc/pm/sleep.d/ with the right command to unmount the sd. All scripts in that folder get executed before entering in suspend mode.

    #00umount-sd - script to unmount sd/sdhc before suspend
    umount /media/(your sd mount dir)

    Don't forget to chmod it and give execution rights. After that your AAO should unmount the SD before going to suspend.
    chmod +x file execute permission is added for all
    GlenMH, Aug 17, 2010
  4. lotus49


    May 11, 2010
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    I have struggled with my wifes AO110 with this one for some time - would dearly love to fix this - if the machine could hibernate it must surely speed up boot times, which seem to take longer with each new Ubuntu version. Previous attempts (I've left it alone for some time now) have resulted in a corrupted superblock in the left-hand card - a big issue with it being the /home directory.

    The setup:
    Ubuntu 11.04
    8Gb SSD - 1Gb swap, 7 Gb Ext4 Root partition
    8Gb SDHC Card Ext4 home partition

    Will the script referred to work with that setup? I'm just wondering what the effect will be of unmounting the home partition before putting the machine to sleep or will I have to reconfigure the system relegate home to a directory instead and to return the SDHC card to being simply expansion?

    Thanks for any help you can give
    TheLiquidator, Jun 23, 2011
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