MacHeist - amazing software bundle - deal ending today

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by Bagpuss, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Bagpuss


    Dec 15, 2008
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    Hi All,

    Now that I've finally got OSX up and running on my Aspire One, I've been looking for some good software to run on it. In particular, I was looking for something to make my eBaying easier.

    Whilst searching, I came across two apps, GarageSale and iSale, both of which seemed pretty good. As I was looking into buying a license for iSale, I came across a thing called MacHeist. Apparently, this is a thing that happens every year. Basically, a bunch of Mac software companies agree to provide cheap versions of their applications, and a bunch of money gets raised for charity.

    This year, the bundle contains iSale, and about another $900 worth of software. All for $39!

    It sounded too good to be true, but from reading around, there really wasn't a catch.

    Check out:

    for more details.

    Bagpuss, Apr 6, 2009
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