Make RSS reader Liferea default for FireFox

Discussion in 'Linux' started by samuemx, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. samuemx


    Feb 16, 2009
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    Im playing with my new AcerOne, I´m new to linux but I think I',m hadling it OK. Im using Firefox and the default RSS reader that comes with the SO (Linux Linpus Lite) that i think is Liferea. What I whant to do is that when I click on a RSS icon, the reader add the feed automatically (like Opera...). I went to te firefox preferences and saw that you can choose the default software, but I cant find the "executable" to the RSS Reader. I try this one /usr/share/applications/acerrss.desktop but when I click the RSS icon nothings happens.

    Thank you.

    samuemx, Feb 16, 2009
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