Make your Acer Ather Ace-er

Discussion in 'Networking' started by ihartley, May 3, 2009.

  1. ihartley


    Dec 28, 2008
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    I've had Wifi problems with Vista and Win7- notably that the connection seems to drop, and eventually the network icon goes to "local only" - even though I can't access local PCs... I have a WPN824 for my sins, but it seems other routers give the same behaviour. With the lastest driver, it was dropping every 5-10 mins meaning I had to disconnect/reconnect to get back the network. Arrrrrghhhhhh.

    And now, thanks to much surfing, tearing out of hair and screaming I think I have the solution. I uninstalled the device, and then deleted everything that had "ath" in it (including photos "AtHelensWedding" - well I never liked her anyway :lol: ). Then, and here's the clever bit, installed the 5006 driver from AR2424. Since then everything works and I get the right "advanced" driver tab which means I can switch off power saving.

    Yeeeeeee-haaaaaaa. Well so far. Would welcome feedback, Like others I've been ready to buy a new card, but I couldn't believe that the card had such a defect. Not that I will but Atheros again :oops:
    ihartley, May 3, 2009
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