Making musice2

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by simlls, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. simlls


    Aug 11, 2009
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    I've been farting around recently looping things on audacity and have had a great time.
    However, audacity is not really brilliant for this for many reasons ( no real volume control for fading etc)
    Can anyone suggest any freeware or cheap software that i could d/l and tinker about with to produce more advanced stuff that will make me rich and famous?
    It would also have to be fairly user-friendly as I am a fool, and impatient to boot.

    Thank You, Regards
    simlls, Aug 11, 2009
  2. simlls


    Aug 23, 2008
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    Hello Simlls,
    Are you running Linux or Windows?
    If it is Linux then you are in for a torrid time because it does not matter how fast your processor is or how much RAM you have. To run any music workstation software on Linux you need a low latency kernel. None of the standard distro kernels are (apparently it is a decision made by Linus Torvalds) and after many wasted hours, if not days, I have so far not managed to install or find a live USB of one that will run on my AA1. At the moment I have given up trying but if anyone has succeeded, let me know.
    As for Windows, I understand that Cakewalk works OK.
    By the way, as well as the right software you also need talent and loads of luck:)
    I wish you all the best but if you want to get really serious you will need a Mac.
    3ld468, Aug 11, 2009
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