Mandriva vs. eRecovery: Asked & Answered

Discussion in 'Linux' started by jdeisenberg, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. jdeisenberg


    Aug 25, 2008
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    San Jose, CA
    I have installed Mandriva Linux (Spring 2008) on my Aspire One. When I try to reboot into Windows, I get the eRecovery Management Environment instead. I choose "restore to factory default", and files are copied to the C:\ drive (the partition having been shrunk to 14.6 GB)

    When I reboot, I still get the GRUB menu, but Windows insists upon returning to eRecovery Management Environment.

    If anyone else is having this problem, here is the solution. When I installed Mandriva and asked it to add Windows to the boot menu, it found the very first windows partition, which is the diagnostics.

    The solution is to boot into Mandriva and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst so that the entry for Windows boots from (hd0,1) instead of (hd0,0)
    jdeisenberg, Sep 18, 2008
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