Mandriva wireless problem

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Duke0102, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Duke0102


    Aug 29, 2008
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    Hiya, im a little bit new to linux in general but i think this is an odd one even then. Ive just installed the Mandriva 2009 powerpack and everything installed fine, boots pretty quick etc but when i try to connect to my router thats when i have troubles, the router comes up on the wireless list and i go to the config to enter my wep key then go to connect, it says its connecting but when that finishes nothing happens.
    The internet works through the ethernet cable and my main pc works wirelessly so im stumped, lol.
    I appreciate any help.
    Thank you
    Duke0102, Nov 17, 2008
  2. Duke0102


    Nov 9, 2008
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    I would advise you to set up the wireless connection through the Mandriva Control Centre (i.e. Menu -> Tools -> System tools -> Configure your computer). Other utilities can be hit or miss.

    On the Network and Internet tab, select Set up a new network interface. Obviously choose wireless, then accept the Atheros driver option. IF there is a list of available networks in the next screen, select your one. There isn't always. Either way, proceed to the next screen and (if necessary) enter the correct parameters for your connection. One point to take particular care of: if the applet detects your encryption mode as WPA when it's WEP (or vice versa) the whole thing will fail. So make sure it's set correctly and that the key is entered correctly there too.

    Click through the rest of the dialogue and hopefully you will be able to pick up your network.

    Let us know how it goes.
    rpkemp, Nov 17, 2008
  3. Duke0102


    Aug 29, 2008
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    i tried that when i 1st installed it even restarted it but didnt work but when i completely powered it off and went to work tried it again and it worked, lol.
    many thanks for your time with helping me, cheers, tom
    Duke0102, Nov 17, 2008
  4. Duke0102


    Nov 9, 2008
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    There have been a few times - with both Mandriva and Linpus - when the wireless adapter has conked out and needed a reboot (or even a full halt & restart) before it would get going again. I guess that happened in this case - at the worst possible time.
    rpkemp, Nov 17, 2008
  5. Duke0102


    Feb 1, 2009
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    I seem to have this problem too. I installed Mandriva 2009 but have had continously problems with wifi.
    I got wlan working when I was using Linpus and after that Mandriva on live mode, then I installed Mandriva on SSD and everything else works fine, but not wlan.

    I have a wireless cable modem and another AAO with WinXP works fine in the network, so did this AAO with Linpus.

    I have tried to set up the wireless network through MCC, and through MCC in text mode and the problem is this everytime:
    - if I choose Automatic IP - won't work at all
    - if I use manual configuration the network seems to work ("The network is up on interface Wireless...") but I'm unable to connect to internet or to use skype etc.

    I've tried as well dhclient as dhcpcd for dhcp client.

    Any other pointers before I try to reinstall Mandriva....
    jalmari, Feb 14, 2009
  6. Duke0102


    Aug 17, 2008
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    I've also been hit recently by that bug. I found out it usually ends up connecting if I right click in the network monitor applet, chose manage wireless networks, and then configure (again) the network I want to connect to. doing a "tail -f /var/log/syslog" in a terminal shows that most of the time the problem seems to be with the dhcp client, when it gets a NAK from the server, there is immediately afterwards a connection lost message in the log. Haven't had the time yet to do more debugging on this...
    jbernardo, Feb 15, 2009
  7. Duke0102


    Aug 12, 2008
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    I am having the exact same problem....internet works fine with a wired connection. If I switch to wireless it says that the connection is up but I cannot connect to anything. I have a fresh 2009.1 install and this may be the issue that drives me back to Linpus Lite (Please No!!)

    I did not have this problem before updating to 2009.1

    I have tried fiddling but Linux is not my hobby....I need this machine for work.

    Help anyone???
    philubuntu, May 9, 2009
  8. Duke0102


    Aug 12, 2008
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    UPDATE- So, I am sat outside McDonalds using their free WiFi (Thanks McDonalds!) and I have had no problem at all hooking up. I popped here earlier today and configured the connection- basically just selected the network and cliocked connect. Now I am back all I did was switch on and there is the wireless already up- brilliant!
    Question is- why can I do this here and not at home? I know my router works as I have another laptop (Vista) that connects no problem.......

    The search continues!
    philubuntu, May 12, 2009
  9. Duke0102


    Feb 7, 2009
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    not that this really helps but I have a similar issue on the live version of gnome

    I have connected wirelessly probably 100 times, but now, more often than not it says connection failed. It's not just my router either, I have tried it at work and at friends. I have tried connecting via the icon at the top and also via the network setup.

    This is usually accompanied but the far right LED coming on, the padlock with the A in it? -

    If I try and connect again it usually locks up totally.

    It's very hit and miss, for example I booted it 3 times today before it worked, but I can see no reason why it sometimes works and sometimes refuses too.

    Before it started doing this it had worked without fail for weeks.

    Linpus works fine, as does UNR.

    Its annoying cos I really like Mandriva

    charliesays, Jun 14, 2009
  10. Duke0102


    Sep 11, 2008
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    Sounds like the problem is in the settings of your Router and not with Mandriva.
    donec, Jun 15, 2009
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