many fsck scans on hard drive

Discussion in 'Storage' started by bobwdn, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. bobwdn


    Feb 12, 2010
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    I have a AOA150 1029 with a 160Gb Hitachi HTS543216L9A300 5400rpm/8Gb cache HD. I have had this now for about 14 months. I resized the original partition to keep the XP Home OS and the diagnostic partitions. Then install EEEBUNTU 3.0 on remaining, on three new partitions. First partition for /, second for swap and third for /home. A few month ago things started acting funny. I looked into running fsck manually. Using Knoppix usb managed to run fsck manually and found that fsck had not been running under EEEBUNTU. Well, for the time being I have been manually running fsck. Recently I upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 netmix(?), the version written for my netbook. Now, it wants to run fsck every fourth start. The disk utility included w/Ubuntu says the drive tests okay.

    I backup my entire laptop with clonezilla. If I do not run fsck manually before I backup, the backup will fail with read errors. I am having trouble determining if the drive is failing and the disk utility (that uses SMART, btw for it's info) is wrong or what.

    What is most puzzling is the fact that scanning the drive manually w/Knoppix will stop the every fourth start fsck scan and the computer seems to run fine.

    I am really baffled by this and could use anyones suggestion and ideas on what to do or try to solve this? :?
    bobwdn, Feb 12, 2010
  2. bobwdn


    Feb 12, 2010
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    I figured it out.

    It seems that, for whatever reason, one of my partitions was set to run fsck after 1 mount. Not the default 32 it should have been set at.

    I ran 'sudo tune2fs -l /dev/xxxX' and lists includes a 'mount count: 1' and a 'maximum mount count: 1'.

    Ran 'sudo tune2fs -c 16 /dev/xxxX' .

    Now 'sudo tune2fs -l /dev/xxxX' reports 'mount count: 1' and a 'maximum mount count: 16'.

    All seems fine, so far. I will set to default count of 32 after I am sure all is well.
    bobwdn, Feb 15, 2010
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