Sysquake LE is a free math application at Its outstanding feature is that you can vary a parameter with the mouse and watch the changes in the output plot(s). The installation was slightly complicated by needing to copy some library files between folders. So here are the steps: 1. Download sysquakele41-linux.tar.gz from Calerga (2 Meg). 2. Ungzip and untar (I used 7-Zip on Win XP) to get the "sysquakele-linux-GTK" folder and rename it "sysquake". 3. Move the "SQ_files" folder inside this "sysquake" folder to the "/home/user" folder on the AA1. 4. You need root level for the remaining steps so open a terminal window and type "sudo Thunar". 5. Move the "sysquake" folder to "/opt" folder on the AA1. 6. Copy the following files from "/opt/Adobe/Reader8/Reader/intellinux/lib" to "/usr/lib" folder. a. (lib file) b. (lib file) c. (lib file) d. (link to lib file) 7. Copy the attached "sysquake.png" file to "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps" folder. 8. Copy the code below, rename it "sysquakele.desktop" and move the file to "/usr/share/applications" folder. 9. Close Thunar and the terminal window and restart your AA1. You should see Sysquake in the right click advanced menu under the "Other" category. A link can be added to the AA1 menu by the usual methods. Troubleshooting: 1. Try typing "/opt/sysquake/sysquakele" from a terminal window. It may complain about a missing library. Search for and add the lib file as described above. Note the link file (d) must be added after the lib file (c) is in place. Those four worked for me. 2. In "minesweeper.sq" use mousepad to change the function newGame as below to start with different games. Code: function mines = newGame(mines, n) temp = clock; rand('seed',97*temp(6)); (dmy, perm) = sort(rand(1,prod(size(mines)))); mines = zeros(size(mines)); mines(find(perm <= n)) = -1; 3. The Icon menu in the output window can be detached by dragging from the far left. This helps with the short AA1 display. sysquakele.desktop file: Code: [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Sysquake LE GenericName=Sysquake Exec=/opt/sysquake/sysquakele Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/sysquake.png Comment=Control System Analysis Terminal=false StartupNotify=true Type=Application Categories=X-XFCE;GTK; X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.13