I want to install Octave, Maxima, emacs and latex on linpus. I got the Fedora 10 versions and keep running into repomd.xml problems. If I need to install a different OS (Quantian is prolyy preferred) what happens to the drivers? I have a floppy and a CD from colordrives.com and can boot Quantian from that to see. If I don't get any help with repomd, that is my choice. Also, is there any util to change XL numbers so OpenOffice doesn't turn them into strings? I could also do a lot more with the DOSBOX that works on linpus if I knew (yes, I could try, but it could mess up) I could run a lot of old DOS apps that do a lot of cool things (they worked on my 486 DOS 6.22). My primary fear is how will DOS affect the USB because w98 doesn't see USB from DOS. If I knew all the device drivers will work, I could be quite happy running DOS 6.22 only on the AAO. BTW, I like the 8.9" size - which is why I kept my Compaq Aeor Contura so long. Please try to send me an email reply as well because I'm not that facile at flipping forums