media files

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by ARC, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. ARC


    Aug 22, 2008
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    I wonder if I am the only person to have the following problem.

    I loades a lot of my Jpegs from my windows notebook on to my AspireOne.
    Then used the media viewer to view the jpegs. Seemed ok, until it locked up.
    I hit cntrl del and treid to stop the process running, but it would not stop and was listed as uninteruptable.

    I held the power button down until it shut down and re started, took longer to boot up, but it did boot up ok.

    This also happened with an AVI file, it played, but then locked up. Am I doing something wrong, do I need to use alternate softare other than the software that came with the one. I already added gimp and can load individual jpegs.
    On windows I have used Paintshop pro for many years and like the browse option, does gimp have this option.

    Sorry for so many questions for my first post. I got the linux version and not the xp version to pretty much force my self to
    get into linlux, I have already learnt a fair bit reading on this forum. Problem with Linux forums is they are not basic enough.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.
    ARC, Aug 22, 2008
  2. ARC


    Jul 22, 2008
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    UK - (most locations)
    Normal process when a linux box has been turned off.

    I doubt that you are doing anything wrong, you might want to consider using the recovery disk to get back to a known state. Have you loaded much software other than gimp?

    Have a read of this user manual....

    To be honest there is very little Linux needed on the One in basic mode.
    I would certainly advise making a bootable USB drive, and doing a few recoveries.
    Backup any files before you wipe the drive.
    Sid, Aug 22, 2008
  3. ARC


    Aug 22, 2008
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    Thanks for this, I will be having a good read of the gimp manual as I have read it is very good software.

    What is the pursoe of doing a usb boot disk backup. Can I not just use the disk that came with the one. I would really like to partition the hard drive, it is pretty big after all. Then I could put all my stuff on the second partition and if I have to wipe the c drive at leaset I will only be wiping the OS, right?

    Is the one much slower using XP, or is it about the same, perhaps I am asking this in the wrong place.
    I do have xp about a dozen times and have a licence that I have not used.

    Still, I really like the one, I am very impressed with its, size, quality and features, very cheap I think and so light.

    Anyway thanks again for your help.

    ARC, Aug 22, 2008
  4. ARC

    jane renwick

    Apr 9, 2009
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    Paintshop Pro

    Did you receive any help with this post? I too, am new to LINUX and using EVERYTHING (anything) on my Acer Aspire A110 one min-netbook, which has no CD drive. After 5 weeks to trying to come to terms with it, I am kicking myself for not having paid the extra for WINDOWS!

    All the forums are very helpful if you are as CLEVER as the people who post questions and replies - none of which I seem to be able to understand (SO complex).

    I have purchased a combo thing with normal ? size CD drive, which show me the contents of the Paintshop Pro disk. I don't know how to proceed from here. I want to download my Paintshop Pro programme onto my little laptop, even though I am not sure what it will do to the memory on my little netbook. I just want to be able to USE the package, as I have always used it and know my way around it. I find the "PAINT" function in Acer/Linux too limited for me.

    If there is any chance you managed to get your problem sorted out, please can you help me???
    jane renwick, May 23, 2009
  5. ARC


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi Jane

    Paint Shop Pro is a Windows programme and will not be recognised by Linux. There is a Linux programme called Wine that will run "some?" windows programmes from within it. I use it to run a windows programme that holds all my passwords on a USB stick therefore I can call them up in Windows or in Linux via Wine.
    Whether Paint Shop will run I have no idea.
    There is a Linux programme called Gimp (photo editing but never used it) that many Linux user say is very good. There no doubt will be a learning curve with a different package and you may think it is not worth it. To try it out you should be able to load it direct to your Acer from the Acer update site here,

    There are several posts on this forum about installing Windows XP on the 8GB SSD Aspire and you should have a look at them if you are struggling with Linux.

    Best wishes
    solpuerto, May 23, 2009
  6. ARC

    jane renwick

    Apr 9, 2009
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    Thanks, as usual, for your help.

    I am blocked at EVERY turn!!

    I dare NOT install Windows on here, cos I am in Turkey, still, and will CRY a lot if I do it wrong.

    DEO, I just don't seem to have got meself the right equipment, have I?!!
    jane renwick, May 23, 2009
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