I wonder if I am the only person to have the following problem. I loades a lot of my Jpegs from my windows notebook on to my AspireOne. Then used the media viewer to view the jpegs. Seemed ok, until it locked up. I hit cntrl del and treid to stop the process running, but it would not stop and was listed as uninteruptable. I held the power button down until it shut down and re started, took longer to boot up, but it did boot up ok. This also happened with an AVI file, it played, but then locked up. Am I doing something wrong, do I need to use alternate softare other than the software that came with the one. I already added gimp and can load individual jpegs. On windows I have used Paintshop pro for many years and like the browse option, does gimp have this option. Sorry for so many questions for my first post. I got the linux version and not the xp version to pretty much force my self to get into linlux, I have already learnt a fair bit reading on this forum. Problem with Linux forums is they are not basic enough. Thanks in advance for any advice. Regards ARC