Missing WiFi Icon

Discussion in 'Linux' started by GMDi, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. GMDi


    Dec 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Several weeks ago my wifi icon failed to appear upon booting. Is there anything I can do to retrieve it?
    Cheers G.
    GMDi, Dec 23, 2008
  2. GMDi


    Jan 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    i have recently found a fix for this. i will assume that you are new and do not know anything about linux, so i dont give too little information about how to fix it.

    1. press alt + f2. this will open a 'run program' box. type in 'terminal' and hit enter (the ' ' are not included in the name, of course.)

    2. type 'su'. press enter. type in your password and press enter.

    3. type in the following command:

    cd ~/.gconf/system

    press enter

    4. type 'ls'. press enter.

    5. type the following command:

    mv ~/.gconf/system/networking /home/usr/Desktop

    press enter

    6. open file manager by opening one of the navigation tabs to videos, music, pictures, etc. on the left tab of the menu, select 'My Disk'

    7. double-click on 'Desktop'

    8. delete 'Networking'

    9. type in the address bar at the top, trash:///

    10. locate and click on 'File' at the top-left corner of the menu, and select 'empty trash' about 2/3 down.

    11. restart computer.

    those are the basic steps. sorry about being so literal, with the 'press enter' but you would be amazed at how many stupid people wouldnt even think to do that.

    tell me if it helps/hurts!
    itsallgames, Jan 3, 2009
  3. GMDi


    Jan 23, 2009
    Likes Received:
    it hurt me.... nothing happened, the directory is still not there. think you could upload the directory that I just deleted?
    thaman092, Jan 25, 2009
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