MK3008GAL always "Slave" - can't boot.

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by BLAfH, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. BLAfH


    Aug 21, 2009
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    I've bought a MK3008GAL off ebay, trying to speed up my A110L a bit, but encountered one problem:

    The drive is always seen as he "Slave"-Drive, which means I can't boot of it .
    The drive itself works fine in the A110L, if I boot from a USB-Drive I can partition, format, install... Still the BIOS says "Harddrive: None"

    I've tried the original cable (after sanding it down a bit to fit the LIF-socket) and one delivered with the drive (ZIF2LIF - but just 1 inch long...).
    Same with both. Both cables work fine with the SSD (which is detected as "Master").

    Any hints?

    BLAfH, Aug 21, 2009
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