Moblin 2.0 Beta (Completely new interface!)

Discussion in 'Linux' started by sertse, May 20, 2009.

  1. sertse


    Aug 6, 2009
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    My advice to you is to install either Ubuntu 9.04 or Fedora 11, I posted some links for installing the psb driver in both systems on these forums as well as my xorg.conf .

    It can be a bit overwhelming if you are new, but if you get stuck just ask for help =)
    bodhi.zazen, Aug 24, 2009
  2. sertse


    Nov 28, 2008
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    HappyHarry, Aug 30, 2009
  3. sertse


    Jul 16, 2008
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    I'm using the Mobin 2.1 Beta and although I like it, it sure is a beta... (AAO 110L)

    + Very fast boottime, as fast as Acer's Linpus (or faster?)
    + I like the myzone and integrated social stuff
    + I like the overall user interface and speed of the interface, no lagging
    + Synchronizes with many online services (dropbox excluded...)

    - Facebook is missing from the social stuff..(!)
    - Top bar/panel doesn't seem to be user customizible
    - Top bar/panel has a dedicated application called pasteboard, seems very useless and 1990's to me (remind me of MacOS 7)
    - Browser is sluggish (and based on Gecko, had prefered Webkit)
    - Browser should be in fullscreen mode by default, top panel doesn't work in browser fullscreen mode
    - Dedicated e-mail application seems silly on netbook, I would prefer a gmail/hotmail notifier
    - Chat interface is not integrated, but seperate application
    - Media player doesn't work.. There are some songs included, but once pressed play I could not control it anymore..

    It does feel like it has a lot of potential, but would not yet recommend to every user.
    2manydjs, Oct 11, 2009
  4. sertse


    Sep 7, 2008
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    Re: Moblin 2.1 Beta - It's getting there.

    I have been using Moblin 2.1 beta on my AAO ZG5 for a couple of weeks now. The user interface takes a little getting used to, but once you get used to it, it is a good distribution.
    The wireless on-off switch is no longer needed; there is a software switch to turn both the wired and wireless connections on and off. The wireless led now indicates internet activity.
    Discovered that pressing Ctrl + does not increase the size of the font in the internet browser; submitted a bug report which was accepted (bug 6684). Hopefully, it will get fixed before the final release.

    I would like to encourage anyone who is using Moblin 2.1 beta and discovers a problem to submit a bug report rather than just complain about it.
    Moblin bugs can be reported at

    hgh9mrp, Oct 14, 2009
  5. sertse


    Apr 29, 2009
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    The new Moblin is really big step ahead. Of course it is not 100% yet, but the way it looks so far, all I can say is: KUDOS!!

    The fact, that Acer has the audacity to release their netbook with Linpussy crap is unbelievable.
    I got my hands on 5 different AAOs 110 and nearly every single one had a problem with the stupid Network manager. What an irony. Netbook with dysfunctional Network manager.
    TWO OF THEM ON THE FIRST RUN OUT OF THE BOX!! ..this is OT for this thread, but it is something
    that had cost me a lot of phone calls from friends, trying to figure out, how to connect to their wi-fi ap , when everything worked just fine yesterday and now they don't even see the icon..

    I've read about a lot of different methods to solve this. From changing the ownership of the settings file, to try to get the OS to pre-load the driver module, deleting network settings folder...blah blah...

    I hope that Moblin will be the new way to go, especially if Intel will keep supporting the Atom platform..

    Even though it is not perfect, it still looks nice and clean, feels fast enough and feels intuitive as well..

    I can't wait for the final version. Keep up the good work. R.I.P. Linpussy.
    Will do my best to post discovered bugs to make it to the perfect finale ;)
    G_D, Nov 9, 2009
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