multi-user by sd card?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by muaB, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. muaB


    Aug 27, 2008
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    its me again ;)

    after some experiments with debian im coming back to linpus till there is a real noob-safe distri for the one ,)

    as long im thinking bout this concept:

    me an my wife have different tastes in enviroment/themes and of course different icq/mail/bookmarks etc

    what i was thinking about:
    moving the /home/user onto a sd card, so 3 cases could happen
    1) no sd card is in, which means its any guest who should have firefox an pidgin (no pw saved of course)
    2/3) me or my wife has the personal sd card in, and has the own enviroment

    i just wonder, if i mod the /etc/fstab to mount the sd-slot as home, would it behave as i expect (point 1, the guest-feature is not a must, but would be a nice addition ,p)?

    thx for any hints

    ps: had the custom-dektop-script from this forum running
    muaB, Sep 8, 2008
  2. muaB


    Aug 27, 2008
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    ok, here is my basic idea what i would do under windows, but i donÄt know how to "transalte" this to linux:

    into the autostart
    check wether a sd is in the slot (maybe errorcode of mount or simply copy a file and grab the errorcode)
    depending on the code remount

    sounds simple... if id have someclue of linux =(
    muaB, Sep 9, 2008
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