my 751 runs at 1.33ghz ?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by colonel, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. colonel


    Mar 18, 2009
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    I have read alot about the 751 running at 1.24mhz
    however, I am pretty sure mine runs at 1.33 gh. Obviously it is all over the place due to speedstep, but when its doing something it goes up to 1.33ghz.
    I have checked cpuz and some other utilities and they all say 1.33ghz. I bought mine yesterday.

    Anyone else think their's runs at 1.33ghz ?
    It also seems to run just as fast as my msi wind, so was a bit worried about speed reading folk's reviews but doesn't seem to be an issue.
    Lastly, I tried setfsb. Seems to go fine to 1.5gz but was worried about doing anything higher. Also, whenever I change the bus setting, even by 1mhz in setfsb, the wired ethernet stops working until reboot. Anyone know a way around this ?

    Overall extremely satisfied. Nothing this small and light with such an awesome screen this side of double the price!

    PS: Why does ACer have to install so many games that require purchase? they should just provide a link to buy and not install before hand ...

    colonel, Jul 30, 2009
  2. colonel


    Jul 30, 2009
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    When I downloaded a utility that shows CPU temp, battery discharge and clock speed, it listed it at 1.33 GHZ as well.
    nightfly, Jul 30, 2009
  3. colonel


    Mar 26, 2009
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    Good stuff! I think a lot of the later models have a 1.33ghz speed. Have a try at overclocking it and see how high you can push it :D
    Eddyah, Jul 30, 2009
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