My browser doesn't work any more

Discussion in 'Linux' started by petesavan, Feb 5, 2011.

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  1. petesavan


    Feb 4, 2011
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    I have the Linux version of the Aspire One and it has always accessed the internet via our hone WiFi set up without any problem. Yesterday, however, when I clicked on the browser to browse the internet there was a bit of the usual cursor activity but nothing happened and the browser didn't open. My internet connection is obviously working OK as the machine has subsequently downloaded and installed updates without any problem. Please could someone explain what the problem with my browser might be and how I might go about fixing it.
    petesavan, Feb 5, 2011
  2. petesavan


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I have been seeing quite a lot of this happening recently and suspect a new release of Firefox is not playing well with some extensions. I would try and start Firefox in safe mode to see if it works then. If it does you will need to disable the extensions until you find the one / ones that are causing the problem and look for upgrades.

    To start Firefox in safe mode right click on the icon and select properties. When the properties window opens then add " -safemode" to the end of the command, without the quotes making sure you add the space before the dash. To run Firefox in regular mode just remove the " -safemode" statement.
    donec, Feb 5, 2011
  3. petesavan

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Also, please use the search function, I stickied a topic for this exact problem in the beginners section.
    Swarvey, Feb 5, 2011
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