My experience installing Iatkos v7 in a D150 (10.1 inch)

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by gte80, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. gte80


    Apr 7, 2009
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    Well first of all i was curious why my mac reported that i had two processors but as i discovered in this forum the voodoo kernel activates the hyperthreading in the Atom processor which OS X recognizes as having two processors, my problem with iatkos came right here i could not boot my Iatkos installation without putting in the boot process "cpus=1", I'll start everything from the beginning to tell you my experience.

    My setup:

    Acer Aspire One D150-1876(bought here in Mexico)
    Intel Atom N270 (I thought that the D150 came with N280 but i was proven wrong)
    2gb of Ram (bought a Kingston KVR667D2S5/2G which cpu-z in windows recognizes as a Quimonda Chip with 800mhz although its supposed to be 667mhz)
    160gb of hard disk
    3 Cell Battery (Again proven wrong, not with a 6 cell battery as in other countries)
    No Bluetooth :evil: (Really Acer, come on!!!, proven wrong three times has to be a record or something)
    Wireless card is the the default AR5007EG (could not find a DW1390 or DW1490 so i'm planning on buying a Encore ENUWI-G2 cheap but i read it works great)
    Not sure if i'm missing anything out of the ordinary in this machine.

    I tried several distros IDeneb, IPC all of them 10.5.6 with no success whatsoever, and i crossed paths with a guide of how to install the IAtkos V7 on the D150 which help with the installation very much, at first everything seemed to work without a hitch but problems followed as the kernel panics came along with almost every boot after turning on the Quartz Extreme, a New kernel (Voodoo 9.6.0), etc. so i tried to duplicate everything i did the first time before the panics with no success once again, until i found out about the panics where about the CPU, so i did a fresh install booting with the "cpus=1" flag every single time, repaired the disk permissions (with Disk utility), and later on i started to look for a permanent solution and found something about the dsdt patch and stuff(which i could not understand) and at the same time i was having some issues with the mouse movement which was erratical with no apparent reason so i installed the driver which my wireless Genius Laser Mouse t925 came with so i installed and required to be rebooted, so i did, but at the boot i forgot to put the annoying flag "cpus=1" and OS x booted with no problems at all, and i thought it was just a coincidence but i booted several times and no panics at all, i didn't have to patch the dsdt or anything. The netbook is working very well (i'm actually writing from it), my only complaint is the Adobe Flash that runs slow sometimes (not in youtube) Quartz Extreme is working thanks to OSX86Tools. Well that's it any question you have i'll try to answer it if i can (i´m a noob regarding OS X). Thanks for reading, i hope this could help anyone out there trying to do the same.
    gte80, Aug 8, 2009
  2. gte80


    Mar 3, 2009
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    Re: My experience installing Iatkos v7 in a D150

    If you check the first reply here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=16226&sid=05af916a40088d87a4638f0414635944;
    you'll see I already had described how to install IATKOS V7 in the D150. All items to be selected during iATKOS installation are described in the first post, which talks about the A110.
    mvil, Aug 8, 2009
  3. gte80


    Apr 7, 2009
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    Re: My experience installing Iatkos v7 in a D150

    Hi, please note that D110 does not exist, the guide is talking about the 8.9 inch Acer Aspire One, mine in the other hand is the 10.1 inch AAO, here is the wiki page explaining
    And my intention is not to guide an installation just to let pleople know my experience and if someone has the same problem my experience would help them. Thanks for reading anyways. :)
    P.S.: I'm also using the kismac method, i found out how to do it after i wrote my experience, but i think i'll get the ENUWI-G2 just in case.
    gte80, Aug 8, 2009
  4. gte80


    Mar 3, 2009
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    mvil, Aug 8, 2009
  5. gte80


    Oct 8, 2009
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    Try this one

    I have installed on my AAO D150, dual boot Win7/OS X.
    Got broadcom card swap so mine is working wirelessly.
    The only problem I have is bluetooth, once I press the switch, the light comes on but OS says it's off. Then add devices, only connect for few seconds then drop off.
    Anyone can help, please?
    mitzi911, Oct 8, 2009
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