NASTY D250 fan issue.

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Bloodstar, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Bloodstar


    Oct 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Philadelphia, PA
    ...Nasty enough to drive me to grab up an iBook as a stopgap machine unless I can get this thing fixed.

    My Aspire One has become a complete unusable headache - I can't run this thing for five minutes at a time without the fan firing up and making me want to literally take a shotgun to the thing. A loud fan is fine, but this complete noise is unbearable.

    Sound clips: 1 2 3 - 1 and 2 are older, however, and it wasn't CONSTANT. Nobody was able to help me on other places I asked, because I stupidly forgot about this board. However, recently, it's gotten incredibly worse as heard in 3, and... my headache's actually come back thanks to it.

    How would I get in and disconnect the fan - or, preferably, are there any software fan control solutions for the D250? I keep running into ones for older models, which is the most aggravating thing of all... It's to the point where I really don't mind taking the risk of screwing the machine up, because it's pretty much unusable to me as it is now.
    Bloodstar, Apr 20, 2011
  2. Bloodstar

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Have you tried blowing compressed air into the vents to make sure there's no dust or debris in there causing the noise? It could also be the fan itself being completely knackered and requiring replaecment. You should be able to find a replacement on ebay.

    If you want to disassemble the machine to get to the fan, try doing a search on YouTube, last time I looked there was a few D250 teardown vids.
    Swarvey, Apr 20, 2011
  3. Bloodstar


    Oct 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Philadelphia, PA
    ...It's still on page one, why not follow up? Even if it is eight months later...

    A few months ago, I tested out the W8 dev preview on the machine. Determined... it's okay, but I'd have to see how it is later to be able to really make a decision on it. The fan noise just made me crack here, though - I figured I'd might as well take a shot on fixing this machine, considering it's either permanently useless or there's a CHANCE it'll work well for me again.

    So I found one of the teardown videos, went right into the machine, and disconnected the fan. Ever since, the machine's been running much more usably - no real performance impact (well, the thing blazed along now that I've installed Arch on it, but that's unrelated) either. I think the fan even made the thing run a few degrees hotter. (How that makes sense, I don't know.) The Atom fortunately runs cool enough to be a fanless machine without very much worry. (I don't even think it did too much back when it ran properly, either...)

    I think I might need a new keyboard (some keys aren't really working very well), but... replacing the keyboard wouldn't be very difficult.
    Bloodstar, Dec 21, 2011
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