Need a question answered

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by calebr928, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. calebr928


    Jan 7, 2009
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    Ok guys I upgraded my wifi card and ram. I went to put the keyboard back in and the tabs got stuck inside the computer. If i replaced the facia i think thats what its called the thing that surrounds the keyboard is what i mean, will there be new tabs if i bought a new facia?
    calebr928, Mar 4, 2009
  2. calebr928


    Jan 13, 2009
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    First, you are much better off if you provide a descriptive subject when you start a post. Most people that can help you will simply skip over post with generic "please help" subjects.

    Next, it is considered "good form" to try searching for an answer first. Your question has been probably been answered before.

    Finally, take a flashlight, and look into the back of of the plastic piece around where the tabs slots are, and you may find that the tabs are probably still there, and just stuck inside. Align them into the hole using a small screwdriver.

    For better directions, search the forum for the word "tab" and you will probably find more info.

    And, yes. I would expect if you bought a new plastic piece, it would include the parts that should come with it.

    JoeCHecht, Mar 4, 2009
  3. calebr928


    Feb 17, 2009
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    Lost in Port 8078
    And you can simply replace those taps by slipping them back in place with a blunt object from the inside.
    The leftmost one is a pain in the ass though. You gotta remove the LED things for that.
    By things I mean those plastic components that channel the light from the LightEmittingDiodes.(LED)
    Scissors, Apr 8, 2009
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