Need Help in some upgrade doubts

Discussion in 'Which Laptop should I buy?' started by hariharan, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. hariharan


    Apr 2, 2011
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    Hi guys,

    I have a Gateway LT2104u netbook which is a rebranded Acer 532h(don't know which model from 532h).

    It has been giving me problems with Wireless connectivity & recently battery has also started degrading by not charging 100%( it get's stuck at 89~90%)

    Battery model/Part no: UM09H36

    I have planned some basic upgrades to this Mini laptop ;) Few have been listed below.

    1. Memory upgrade to 2GB DDR2
    2. Broadcom Crystal HD (don't know the difference between the two models BCM90012 & BCM90015)
    3. Lastly replace the battery with a better one if possible.

    Few doubts That I have are

    Will the Acer 532h battery fit this model?
    Part no: UM09H36

    Which Broadcom HD decoder will work with my netbook? BCM90012 or BCM90015?
    Response from people who have installed on their 532h would be great.

    My current Memory module is a Kingston 1GB DDR2 800Mhz RAM.
    Which other brands are also compatible?

    Thanks & Regards,
    hariharan, Apr 2, 2011
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