Need Help - Mac OS/iAtkos DVD Won't Boot

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by kc2aqg, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. kc2aqg


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Hi All-

    So I had everything with Leopard working perfectly except for the power management which I was advised to try again with Diablo's bundled kexts. So I was messing with the kexts and I seemed to have fried something and now OS-X will hang up in the boot screen with the white picture of the apple. It won't go anywhere else and never gets to finder. I am attempting to boot the iAtkos DVD in order to reinstall it but the system is doing the same thing - just hanging at the picture of the white apple and it never gets to the OS-X installer. I have tried starting the DVD with cpus=1, but no success at all. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can get the OS-X installer to run again? It worked fine the first time, but for some reason it is just hanging now and I am stuck. Thanks for any advice!

    kc2aqg, Feb 20, 2009
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