I had the freezing problem as well, 1-2 times a day, in word, skype and sometimes even when Idle... My touchpad also often crashed by the way. My "solution": during bios update it frooze, leaving the unit completely useless, only power button would switch on, nothing else.... The unit is still under warranty, so i returned it for repair; they replaced the mainboard with a Z530 type "(Main BD.E3H.W/CPU-Z530.NON 3G)", updated the bios (v03212) and "adjusted DMI" whatever that means. I have had no freezes since (touch wood) that was 3 days ago and used it intensively. Even did some tests with setFSB and got it to 1.8 GHz (and even 2GHz) without problem. (not running it OC'ed for normal use by the way) So what could(!) work if your unit is still under warranty, and you're desperate for a solution (and can miss it for a few weeks): flash bios, interrupt during flash ("brick it", by removing the battery...) and return for warranty... Not sure if they will always perform the same repair though, YMMV Good luck!