Netbook Remix (img) with hopeless wifi

Discussion in 'Linux' started by no7fish, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. no7fish


    Aug 18, 2008
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    OK, I'm new to linux like everyone else here but I can pound through some terminal entries pretty well. I have followed the how-to on installing the Netbook Remix img from USB with some hassle but eventually got it in. Now I'm having wireless issues. Obviously it doesn't work out of the box so i went on to trying to install the madwifi stuff.

    First I followed the how to right down to the letter and came up with random errors and things. Tinkered with precise wording, etc, eventually saw the folder only contained a README that said it was obsolete!

    Next I found another how-to, followed it precisely to a different madwifi driver and had no issues right down to finding the same README. This is stupid, every time I follow the driver instructions posted in various places I end up with this note telling me it's OBSOLETE and I need to go to the Madwifi site, but I can' navigate that site at all, it's all circular it seems and I don't see anything that's specifically applicable to my wifi hardware except for something that says it doesn't work!!

    Can someone PLEASE post a simple how-to of making the wireless work on this thing? I mean I can follow instructions but I can't find any instructions that don't lead to an obsolete file. I don't care if it's obsolete if it will make my wifi work...
    no7fish, Dec 31, 2008
  2. no7fish


    Oct 6, 2008
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    I ran into the same issue about the wireless, but I rebooted after I made some tweaks, and my wireless started working. These tweaks was from the AcerAspireOne Ubuntu page.

    NOTE: I did not install ath5k as my connection speeds sucked (max speed was 18Mbps even in the same room with my router). I left the default wireless driver and I was getting 54Mbps (not in the same room with my router).
    diverbelow, Dec 31, 2008
  3. no7fish


    Aug 18, 2008
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    I have tried various tweaks but never got one to complete because I always ended up with a supposedly obsolete file. Anyway, I gave up with the madwifi and decided to install sickboy's kernel, absolutely everything seems to work now, I'm very pleased.

    The only problem now seems to be attaching to a secured network. It is WEP and I can't seem to find the right option that will make it connect. I can connect to an open wifi connection but one with a passphrase doesn't want to work. My GF's windows machine says it's a WEP open connection but doesn't show 128, 64, hex, etc. I'm not familiar with how to set up a connection with all these options. Help??

    Oh, and the owner of the house is away for another week, or I would just ask her how it's setup...
    no7fish, Jan 2, 2009
  4. no7fish


    Aug 18, 2008
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    OK, so I'm happy because everything seems to work with the new kernel, and I even found that a WEP 64/128 hex using shared key does connect to the network I wanted. That was yesterday....

    Now I fire up the machine and I can't connect to the same network this morning. I changed the wireless to manual config to see if I could set up that same network, no luck so I switched it back to auto mode. Now I can't see ANY networks and i know there are 3 within range. Wifi is enabled, networking is enabled... what do I do now???
    no7fish, Jan 3, 2009
  5. no7fish


    Aug 18, 2008
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    Nevermind, problem solved. Somehow my wireless radio got switched off. It was as simple as flicking the switch on the front of the machine. For some reason I tried this earlier with no luck but I tried it again and waited, after a minute or 2 it kicked in and all is fine.

    So, with all that solved, I'm kinda liking Ubuntu but it doesn't seem to multi-task very well ( I realize this is a netbook but still) and although the internet seems a bit more snappy, the rest of the machine seems marginally slower than Linpus. I think if i go to another distro I'll try Xubuntu...
    no7fish, Jan 3, 2009
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