Netbook Remix - Stop Automatically Maximizing Windows?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by monkeystyxx, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. monkeystyxx


    Jul 20, 2009
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    I've installed UNR 9.04, and am very happy with it. However, it does have an unhealthy obsession with maximising every single window, whether it be a terminal or a web browser. Is there any way to stop this, and make it perform like just about every other OS (where the window opens at the same size as it was closed)?

    I like my terminal to be terminal-sized, and my notepad to be half-screen sized, while my web browser and mail client are full-screen. That's the way I like it and the way Windows (shudder) and Ubuntu have always been happy with before, why is UNR so different?

    I know I can right click and 'unmaximise', but I shouldn't have to do that every time I open a window...
    monkeystyxx, Jul 20, 2009
  2. monkeystyxx


    Jun 2, 2009
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    It's part of the desktop environment of the UNR version. The UNR default environment uses the Maximus application which maximizes any windows when they open. You can try and stop Maximus from loading during boot, and see if that changes the behaviour more to your liking. (Administration tab, and services that run during start)
    DutchDK, Jul 20, 2009
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