Netcard Question?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by PipingLion, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. PipingLion


    Feb 20, 2010
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    Central Point Oregon
    Yes, I am a newbe. Just got an Acer Aspire One D250. Need to know how to get online when I am out in the sticks? What network card should I use when there is NO hotspots available to connect to? I thought a Bluetooth adapt would connect through cell phone or Tom Tom, but am unclear. Does Anyone have an idea?

    Pipinglion :?:
    PipingLion, Feb 21, 2010
  2. PipingLion

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    I am (and have been for several months) using a mobile phone, tethered with a USB cable to my AAO. This is how I connect to the net full time using internet sharing on the phone itself. All my phones however run Windows Mobile and my D250 running Win 7, so I cannot say for sure if your particular mobile phone and operating system combination will support this. It's worth a try, so long as you can justify the expense of a data plan on your cell.

    If you feel up to the challenge, you could always mod your D250 to include (if it doesn't already) 3G capabilities. I am already in the process of performing this mod on my D250, just waiting on the SIM card readers to arrive. Once I have it all sussed out I'll be posting a how-to on installation of the mod.
    Swarvey, Feb 22, 2010
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