New AA1 - some questions

Discussion in 'Linux' started by jonathan_, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. jonathan_


    Feb 8, 2009
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    Hey Guys,
    I just bought an Aspire one with linpus preinstalled. I like the userinterface so far. I want to use the netbook for mobile browsing, mailing, openoffice, twitter, blogging, im, webdevelopement and backing up the pictures I made with my iphone.
    I activated the advanced features and think I understood the concept of that Packed Manager: It is a little registry of installed software and software I could install and on top it can open archived files ending with rpm and should handle the installation.
    So I installed Skype, that worked quite well. Than the firefox 3, that worked aswell. (
    So I can now use the Internet, openoffice, send instant massages and email.
    But how can I get the pictures from my iphone, isnt that a normal usb camera driver? Shouldn it work out of the box? I installed picasa 3 beta for linux. Here I have two problems: picasa doesnt show up in the right click menu on the desktop, so I have to open one of those files in
    but I dont know which.
    Second problem is: picasa recognises, that there is a camera pluged in but it says that there are no pictures.

    I'm still looking for a good twitter client.
    And is there something like launch bar (mac os x)?
    Do you now a good php, css, html - editor and something to sync with ftp servers?

    Thanks for replying! And I'm sorry if some of those questions are already answered, I searched the whole internet for some of those questions, I'm fet up with searching :)

    Cheers, and thanks again!

    PS: I also posted this question on
    jonathan_, Feb 8, 2009
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