New audio card

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by slammed87d21, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. slammed87d21


    Nov 20, 2008
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    I really haven't posted anything useful here so I guess I better get to work, lol. Anyway, my AAO ZG5's audio card is trashed. Has been for about a year or so. I'm to the point now I'm just tired of not having external audio and having to use headphones (they make my ears hurt where I have an industrial in both). Well, I was thinking of tapping into the headphone connections for a new set of speakers, but I got a better idea.

    USB audio card.

    Here's what I'm looking at right now.

    Does anyone know right off if it works in Ubuntu and OS X? Mainly Ubuntu, as I'm not sure I'll put OS X back on it as I can't stand that 2 finger scroll.

    The plan of attack is to remove the USB connector from the card, wire it into the mobo like Tnkgrl did for the bluetooth mod, and wire the speaker wires directly to the audio card, which will be in the expansion bay. I'll never use 3G, so it's a perfect place.

    Now I just got to figure out if it's compatible with Ubuntu and OS X. If anyone can point that out, I'll do a tutorial for those of you without audio like me.
    slammed87d21, Apr 20, 2010
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