New problem with Skype

Discussion in 'Linux' started by basily, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. basily


    Nov 12, 2008
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    I'm experiencing a new problem with skype that I never had before. I've tried re-installing several times, several ways (yum install, download rpm and double click, and the .sh file from acer), and the problem persists. I am using the Linpus Lite that came with the computer, but with several minor tweaks.

    The problem is:
    1. Sometimes in the middle of a conversation, skype just closes and disappears. I can quickly restart it and resume my conversation, but it really should just close like that on its own.

    2. This happens more frequently. My video (video of me) will work for a bit, then it will freeze on my end and on the other end they'll just get black. I can get the video going again by stopping it and restarting it all the while continuing my conversation. Sometimes when I check the video options on skype it shows some other mysterious webcam (I've never installed an external webcam) and I have to manually change it back to the Acer Crystal Eye webcam.

    I did notice that I seem to have 2 video devices in /dev:
    [user@localhost dev]$ ls -l video*
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     6 2009-08-21 13:27 video -> video0
    crw-rw---- 1 user root 81, 0 2008-03-04 11:44 video0
    Might this be a problem?

    I have no idea what, but I imagine that some little tweak that I did must be affecting skype.

    Any ideas???
    basily, Aug 22, 2009
  2. basily


    Aug 6, 2009
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    The first one is a link, or short cut, pointing to the second so no problems there.

    Just curious (I do not know why you are having problems with Skype), have you consided any alternates to Skype.

    Open alternates to Skype include SoftPhones using open protocols include Ekiga, Twinkle and Wengophone. Ekiga in particular seems to work well.

    Otherwise, try Skype with a wired connection to see if it might be related to wireless.

    Last , start Skype on the command line, post any error messages.
    bodhi.zazen, Aug 22, 2009
  3. basily


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Darryl, Aug 23, 2009
  4. basily


    Nov 12, 2008
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    Thanks for the replies.

    I suspect that it might be my wireless router. I'm having trouble with it dropping connections every once in a while, so maybe it's doing something to my skype video. I tried running a video session over a wired connection and it seemed to hold up - but it's hard to tell, because sometimes the video craps out quickly, sometimes it takes a while. I ran skype from the command prompt and I got:
    [user@localhost ~]$ skype
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 17
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 73
    Starting the process...
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 74
    Doesn't look like any errors. I'll keep running skype in this way and see if anything interesting comes up when I lose video next time.

    I saw that posting, and I tried installing skype in every way that I could find. I could NOT find a Fedora 8 version though. Does it exist? It seems to me that whichever Fedora link you choose on the skype website, be it Fedora 7 or Fedora Core 6, you still get the FC5 version. Am I missing something?
    basily, Aug 23, 2009
  5. basily


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Sorry, my bad,it is the fc5 verion for fedora 7 I have from the skype site, I have only heard of problems occurring with the acer version tho which is a tweked shell script installation.
    Darryl, Aug 23, 2009
  6. basily


    Nov 12, 2008
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    I always run skype from the terminal prompt now in the hopes that I can solve the problem. Here's what I got tonight:
    [user@localhost ~]$ skype
    Starting the process...
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 17
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 73
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 74
    Skype V4L2: Failed to change capture framerate (30)
    Starting the process...
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 73
    [user@localhost ~]$ skype
    Starting the process...
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 17
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 73
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 74
    Starting the process...
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 73
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 74
    Starting the process...
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 73
    Starting the process...
    Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 16
    Skype XShm: XShm support enabled
    Skype Xv: Using Xv port 73
    [user@localhost ~]$ 
    My video worked tonight, but I couldn't see myself. When I tried to stop and restart my video in the hopes that I would be able to see myself, skype aborted...

    What gives???
    basily, Aug 27, 2009
  7. basily


    Nov 12, 2008
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    Well, installing the static binary of the new 2.1 beta seems to have fixed everything!
    basily, Sep 4, 2009
  8. basily


    Jan 29, 2009
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    Basily, How did you install the static package? Did you try the fc9 one?
    bailout, Sep 6, 2009
  9. basily


    Nov 12, 2008
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    I just downloaded the Linux package labeled "Static". Here's the direct link:

    Then I made a backup of my existing skype binary in /usr/bin (just renamed it skype.old)... just incase... Then I extracted the downloaded file, being sure to "Extract files with full path", and then followed the directions contained in the readme file, ie: copy the skype binary to /usr/bin and installing (copying) sounds/, lang/ and avatars/ into the /usr/share/skype directory.
    basily, Sep 6, 2009
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