newbie and simple q?s

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by david-one-uk, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. david-one-uk


    Dec 26, 2008
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    Hello, I'm a newbie and completely new to such a mini-pc and limpus linux. I have XP desktop and vista laptop (currently requiring new HDD, hence the Aspire One).

    I had a some tiresome issues with wi-fi connectivity to a netgear dg834 series modem router. I used the live update under settings and so far, things are ok, MOSTLY, but not 100%. Given this is the most widely used modem/router in the UK (apparently) should I be worried?

    1) Am I to presume that the update patches are the cure for wi-fi problems? (I might add that I have to reset the router EVERY TIME)
    2) Is it normal for 10 patches to take a hour or more on 5-6mbps broadband?
    3) Should I avoid the bios flash (as recommended in the literature) if everything is working?
    4) the recovery CD/DVD ? is this for IT repair professionals as I don't exactly have a USB external optical drive hanging around!!!

    Can anyone recommend any exciting websites for limpus linux?

    Otherwise, very impressive, super-fast start-up and lovely screen and looks!!

    David one-user UK.
    david-one-uk, Dec 26, 2008
  2. david-one-uk


    Nov 11, 2008
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    UK / Switzerland
    Hi david-one-uk,

    I can not comment on number one as I have had no issues running my AAO out of the box. And my initial system update took about one hour to fully download and install.
    Personally I would defiantly not flash the bios.
    And regarding recovery have a look at this thread viewtopic.php?f=17&t=7412; it is very easy to create a USB restore disk it took me about 15 mins from start to finish. ;) But it must be an 8GB stick,and since I posted on that thread I have tested this and all went smoothly, takes you back to original AAO state.
    barrie, Dec 26, 2008
  3. david-one-uk


    Dec 26, 2008
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    Thanks barrie,

    I shall read and work out how to make a USB recovery stick.

    Just had a few attempts to get the wi-fi up again. I shall take your advice and NOT flash the bios.

    I suppose an hour to download and install patches from live update is OK once in a while.

    Essentially, my AAO is simply a no frills netbook, to leave in the lounge for internet use and maybe the odd letter or something.

    I guess the no.1 issue for me is to establish what you can and can't do with such a basic OS. I'm guessing any sort of software installation to run any peripherals is going to be odd for a CD based user. I'm guessing also that most typical windows-driven things are going to need a) to work with linpus and b) have drivers available (freeware) online.
    It's going to be fun whatever......just wish the wi-fi was 100% flawless.
    david-one-uk, Dec 26, 2008
  4. david-one-uk


    Aug 25, 2008
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    Software installation under Linux usually doesn't involve CDs - we have this thing called the Internet and software repositories instead. Since most Linux software is free, there's no need to try to limit its availability by selling CDs! If you haven't found it already, read the post in the beginner's forum called 'Read Me...' and enable advanced mode; then take a look at the software available in the add/remove programs application (which is, I warn you now, very slow to load - I think it catalogs the thousands of items available every time rather than keeping a cache).

    I'm guessing also that most typical windows-driven things are going to need a) to work with linpus and b) have drivers available (freeware) online.
    It's going to be fun whatever......just wish the wi-fi was 100% flawless.[/quote]

    It's as well to check for Linux compatability for hardware items, but most of it will work: sometimes because manufacturers support it, and sometimes because Linux users work out how to make it work and create drivers.

    I have had no problems with my wifi connectivity since the day I bought my One four months ago, and I'm a Linux user who tends to mess around with things and break them! It has failed to connect to two networks, both of which showed up as unsecured but appeared to have some security in place when a connection was attempted; a Windows machine also failed to connect to one of them (and wasn't available to try on the other) so I suspect it's not a machine issue!

    The updates do contain updates for the connectivity suite, though, so are well worth running - and yes, the Acer update servers are slow and probably currently heavily loaded immediately after Christmas purchases!
    daldred, Dec 26, 2008
  5. david-one-uk


    Nov 11, 2008
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    UK / Switzerland
    @ david-one-uk

    I to am a newbie to Linux and only had my AAO for about a month, I use it for on the go work. But I have yet to discover something this little notebook cant do, adding software is no problem as you can see from my screen shot I have Skype, Thunderbird, Opera, Seamonkey loaded + more, you can change the desktop as you want,( have a look at the desktop area titles.) and no search bar.

    I did not want to go back to a fully windows looking desktop and find the small changes I have made very acceptable, there is a plethora of information here on the forum about how to do things as well as great help from other users.
    The USB walk through I gave you is very easy, and as I said took about 15-20 mins to complete.
    barrie, Dec 26, 2008
  6. david-one-uk


    Dec 26, 2008
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    I'm so pleased to have found this forum (resource!). I like the sound of your posts too, all very optimistic for me at this time.

    I shall, of course, be reading all the stickies and read me's. Once I have some confidence (it's just so disconcerting not to be seeing the behind-the-scenes of win' control and device man' etc.) If I should try the alternative advanced mode, I don't know.....t.b.h. it's scary to see a simple (appearing) OS after all these years.
    I think the things that interest me are probably just a printer (using my hp all-in-one maybe) and perhaps changing the user looks a bit like a glorified mobile phone a.t.m.!!

    Perhaps, leave the AAO for the time being and try getting to know the big linux on a partition (XP desktop) there's an idea.

    Thanks again.
    david-one-uk, Dec 26, 2008
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