Newbie Q: Install Linpus Lite to UFD by cloning?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by wywong, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. wywong


    Sep 14, 2009
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    I tried to install Linpus Lite onto a UFD (USB flash drive) by cloning the Linpus partition on my AAO's SSD using CloneZilla. However when booting from the UFD I just get a grub> prompt. I suppose editing a few configuration files on the UFD should do the trick but have no idea how to do so. Can anyone help?

    I have tried modifying /boot/grub/ (by swapping sda with sdb) with no effect.

    I have also tried different cloning methods - g4l (ghost for Linux) and GParted's partition copying. In either case I just get a black screen or a few gibberish characters during boot. Why is that?

    Many TIAs!

    wywong :D
    wywong, Sep 15, 2009
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