No Audio On Firefox (Youtube, BBC Iplayer, Last FM etc)

Discussion in 'Linux' started by mcvay1981, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. mcvay1981


    Nov 18, 2008
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    Relative novice to Linux and on the verge of throwing my machine out the window - please don't make me resort!!

    Basically, I have done a fair amount of customising of late and suddenly I have no sound on any web-based streaming service (egs I am particularly interested in above!) There are no problems getting sound in VLC, Banshee or Amarok so I am pretty sure it's not a hardware issue.

    Have done a good trawl trough these pages and the best suggestion was to install Real Player. I installed version 11 no probs by following the instructions; Real Player works fine but still no Youtube sound! Played with various settings, tried installing a few codec / plugin packs and have had no joy - arrggghhhh!!

    If anyone would be kind enough to save my sanity, I would be most grateful,

    Thanks in advance,

    mcvay1981, Dec 11, 2008
  2. mcvay1981


    Nov 18, 2008
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    Hello, Will. I hope you won't throw your AAO on the fire. I too am a Linux newbie, and I have had some problems (not your specific ones), and have found that the best way to resolve them (though it might sound a bit drastic) is to re-install your whole system and start again. The re-installation is by way of the Recovery CD, if you have a CD player from which you can boot (I find most USB CD players will work with the AAO); or by way of a recovery USB drive (the way to make one of these is explained in the literature that come with the Recovery CD). Re-installation takes about half an hour or so.
    Once you have re-installed your system, you should do a Live Update (from the Settings menu), which will also take about half an hour or so. Then I would advise you to try BBC iPlayer (can only be used on the BBC iPlayer site with Linux - there is no iPlayer Download Manager for Linux), and the others. You should find that they work OK. After that you could do your customising step-by-step, checking that everything is still working as you want it after each step - in that way you should find out what installation or customization causes the loss of sound - then just don't do that one (if it's something you have installed, un-install it; if it's some other customization, you may need to do the complete re-install again...!).

    I have done the customization of the desktop described in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=4310
    and have installed various programs, including VLC and Audacity (but NOT Firefox 3), and am now satisfied with what I have. For me, BBC iPlayer works in Firefox, as does YouTube and Last FM.

    I think the re-installation efforts are worth it - the AAO with Linux, while having some limitations, is a great little machine!
    pablo2340, Dec 13, 2008
  3. mcvay1981


    Nov 18, 2008
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    Cheers for the response,

    Yeah, have pretty much decided a re-boot is in order - still not working unfortunately. Strangely enough, I too customized my desktop using the directions you sent the link to and hasn't worked properly since!

    Oh well, it's all a learning curve I suppose!
    mcvay1981, Dec 15, 2008
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