No space to burn dvds....

Discussion in 'Linux' started by thatisandwas, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. thatisandwas


    Sep 16, 2008
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    So im using DeVeDe to try to burn some AVI files. But then i realize, i don't have enough space on my 8gig ssd or my 4 gig sdhc..Hmm..Also, it says when "do not copy to a fat/fat32 system" when i try to start the iso build...So, does that negate the chances of me hooking up an external HDD? what about an 8 gig SDHC? Same thing? Does anyone know of a tool that can burn to dvd video ISO directly from the file? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
    thatisandwas, Oct 13, 2008
  2. thatisandwas

    Guest Guest

    Hmmm... a little out of scope?
    Guest, Oct 14, 2008
  3. thatisandwas


    Jun 29, 2008
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    You can attach an external HDD of any size. I have tried a 120GB drive but there is no reason why any size won't work. Although I have only tried a 16GB SDHC, again, there should be no reason why a 32GB card, which is currently the largest available, wouldn't work fine. There are also 64GB USB flash disks available.

    Any file system type (eg fat32, ntfs, ext2, ext3, hfs+ etc) can be used on any external drive so you have a lot of options available to you if you are prepared to buy/borrow another disk.
    lotus49, Oct 14, 2008
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